Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Primary Colors

The bedding set for the nursery arrived today! Thanks to Linda, Aunt Cheryl, and Great Aunt Gaye. The set included the quilt, bumper, valence, diaper stacker, hamper, and sheet. This goes with our "Primary Colors" theme perfectly and is just so cute!! Not that I'm biased or anything ... Irv let me pick this out without his approval, and I was a tad concerned he might not care for it as much as I did. I had nothing to fear because he really liked it.

Speaking of colors (mainly Green) ~ We're considering cloth diapers. Possibly BumGenius or FuzziBunz. Cloth diapers have come along way and both our mothers used cloth with us. However, for the first 4-5 weeks we'll more than likely use the Seventh Generation chlorine-free disposables. There's a boutique, Peppermint, in nearby Richardson that has cloth diapering classes. We will definitely be making use of those. (Quick ad: If you are looking for an economical, eco-friendly household cleaner line, then check out GetClean. Just fabulous and very baby/kid safe!!)


Anonymous said...

So glad it all arrived in good shape. Can't WAIT to see it all being put to use.

I think the pattern is cuter every time I see it!


Kim said...

What a wonderful gift. Love what you have picked out. You can't go wrong with pups!