Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Month

Sweet Mateo,

We cannot believe four weeks have already passed since you were born. Time has simply flown by!! Your features have changed so much since your first day out in the real world. Although, from the beginning, people you meet are constantly telling us how much you look like your daddy. You are growing into your own little person with your own personality.

It’s amazing to watch you when you are awake and when you sleep. In both instances, the hiccups you get do not bother you. Thank goodness because you seem to get the hiccups often (for which you can probably thank your mother). We enjoy the sweet little noises you make in your sleep so much and hope we can catch them on video for you. We’ll want to remember those for as long as possible.

There’s not a lot that you are in need of learning. You have been proficient at sneezing, coughing, hiccupping, and crying from day one. We’re very impressed! It took you a few tries, but you are now eating like a champ and you weighed nine pounds when our midwife weighed you yesterday (Monday, Feb. 23, 2009).

At some point this past week, you began focusing more on the person’s face who is speaking to you. This past weekend you began making small, not long lasting, facial expressions when we make silly noises with you or play with your hands. It’ll be fun when you learn you have TWO hands!

We had been giving you sponge baths until you were able to take a real bath and you were never thrilled with those. You were finally able to get a real bath this past weekend. You weren’t a fan of that either. We have that on video . . . we hope you’ll keep us as parents after that! More importantly, we hope you learn to love bath time.

Right now you are sleeping about 4 hours after your last feeding of the evening. You don’t mind sleeping and you’d rather be held and rocked to sleep, but you are able to put yourself to sleep when we put you down awake and that is wonderful! However, it is really hard not to rock you all the time. You’ll only be this little for a short time and we must take advantage of this while we can.

This past month has been a fun one and we have learned a lot about what makes you happy, fussy, sad, and mad. What a ride this has been for us as new parents! We are SO glad you are finally here with us, and while we will miss you being so little, we look forward to watching you grow.

With more love that you can imagine,
Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

Kim said...

What a sweet, sweet letter. It is going to be so fun keeping up with baby Mateo! Hope you all are well!